


“My ability to lead effectively has grown exponentially since I started working with Richard. My strengths as a leader have never been more clear to me, or more effective in their expression than they are today.  Our company is operating more efficiently than ever as a result.”
Trent, Vice President, North America and Europe, Global Consulting Business


‘Richard, I just wanted to thank you for helping me so much, I really feel that you are incredibly talented, and really hit the spot and made me think about things so differently.’
Liz, Managing Director, Event Organising Company


"I've known Richard for 20 years and regard him as one of the brightest executives and leaders I've had the pleasure to work with. He has a keen commercial brain and is second to none in getting to the heart of the matter. He helps clients create a compelling vision for their teams and clear strategies on how to get there. His number skills are legendary and he can spot a flaw in a P&L or balance sheet with uncanny speed. Most important of all, he has an unswerving personal and professional integrity that make him a great coach and someone who people want to work for and with."
Rob Salter, Trading Director, Tesco Stores PLC


"Richard gave a new vision and direction for the company, turning around attitudes and the culture of the company… He did a truly stunning job, unbelievable in fact."
Elizabeth, International President, Global Merchandising Business


"Richard had a  strong and clear approach which he combined with a flexibility and sensitivity to his audience.  The result of this was that the whole team felt encouraged to participate, and energy levels and commitment to the process remained high throughout.  There was an important focus on outcomes and this led to clear top level actions being agreed with responsibilities being clearly owned.  I warmly recommend Richard’s approach."
Richard, Finance Director, Major Relief and Development Charity.’


"Richard engaged with the brief from the outset and invested resources to ensure the agenda would suit the group demographic as well as delivering to the objective. The result was a well structured event with a frank, well facilitated discussion of the issues. A guiding rather than controlling hand was visible throughout.
Richard was a pleasure to work with, providing insight where needed. Most importantly he kept the process simple and the event focused.“

Liz, Director General, Industry Trust


"Richard was inspiring, challenging, encouraging, rewarding, focussed, fulfilling and great fun!"
Andrew, Sales Manager, Merchandising Business


"Richard Izard carried out a thorough Business Review of our 175-year old charity, bringing factual clarity, incisive organisational analysis and clear strategic thinking to a complex and traditionally-minded organisation. The resulting recommendations have enabled us to tackle crucial issues with a clear sense of priorities and have moved us forward with confidence.
Working with RI has been a most positive experience. His great experience of the commercial business world and the charitable sector sits lightly with him.   He has the knack of being non-threatening and genuinely understanding, while also confronting senior staff with the painful realities and the specific challenges that may have been avoided in the past. He is excellent at facilitating meetings and drawing analysis, concerns and positive ideas from those who may be sceptical of the process. He is also good at one-to-one consultations, gently but firmly broaching the issues that need to be addressed. We found his personal style so helpful that we recruited him on a temporary, part-time basis, to initiate the programme of changes that his review had proposed."

John, Chief Executive, Large Charity


"I've worked with Richard over the last 15 years from various standpoints, as part of his team, as a colleague, and as a supplier. In all of these roles Richard has shown great integrity, commitment and commercial acumen. He has a very natural leadership style – helps create a joint sense of purpose, an environment where people enjoy working together, and then empowers them to make decisions, and make a difference.
Richard sets extremely high standards for himself and encourages others to do the same, and has always developed winning teams and the mentality that delivers outstanding commercial results."

Ian, Managing Director, NBC Universal Pictures



Article extract

“For many leaders the self critical voice in their heads is what drives them and yet it is also what limits them. Self confidence doesn't come from being all knowing it comes from realistic self appraisal and the opportunity to put the genuine strengths the leader has to best use.”
Extract taken from Richard Izard, "Leadership Resilience in Testing Times", Catalyst, Issue no.20