As Facilitators we are often asked to run away days, planning meetings and strategy sessions.
There are a few key principles that we believe lead to effective facilitation.
- The agenda is always remains the clients, many facilitators feel the need to hijack the agenda.
- The focus is on outcomes not outputs. Often ‘away-days’ end with hundreds of flip charts (outputs) and precious little in terms of commitments to action (outcomes)
- Flexibility is crucial. Each day we facilitate has a bespoke agenda and we call on a wide range of tools to help progress rather than being wedded to a standard format.
- We see our role to support and encourage and also to challenge when we judge that an intervention will add value.
- Our approachable style means that those attending quickly feel comfortable and able to contribute the best of themselves
- Our presence is particularly reassuring when there is a danger of certain individuals dominating the agenda.
“Richard was a pleasure to work with, providing insight where needed. The result was a well structured event with a frank, well facilitated discussion of the issues. A guiding rather than controlling hand was visible through out.”
Liz, Director General, Industry Trust
Liz, Director General, Industry Trust
“Richard was inspiring, challenging, encouraging, rewarding, focussed, fulfilling and great fun!”
Dr John Nicholls, Chief executive,
large London based charity
Dr John Nicholls, Chief executive,
large London based charity