Richard Izard - Organic Leadership - Re-energise and grow

Leadership Development


Our Leadership Development work spans the spectrum of Leadership challenges and includes major change initiatives, engagement, culture change and communication.


We believe most leadership courses are a waste of time and money because they try to change a person’s behaviour without ever addressing who the person is, what they value and what they believe in, most importantly what they believe about their own capabilities. Organic Leadership works with a leader to help them grow in a natural way. Experimenting with ways to grow, by building on success, realising natural potential and helping stuck beliefs get unstuck.


Leadership programmes that we run work from the same premise of helping groups of leaders to become the best expression of who they are. Inherent in this is the belief that we all have unrealised potential which for all sorts of reasons has thus far not been realised.


Drawing on both our own leadership experience and our psychological learning we work with organisations to bring about lasting change that will bring real financial as well as emotional and relational benefits.


We treat each client as an individual and our programmes are all bespoke whilst at the same time drawing on much of the latest research and thinking. Our care for the individual means that we often find ourselves in a ‘pastoral’ role with our clients. We welcome this since senior leadership positions can be very lonely!


Most leadership thinking still works on the old cause and effect premise, if I do this as a leader then that will happen. If we needed any more proof that that logic no longer applies then surely the recent economic crisis must be it. Working from a complexity theory standpoint I believe that there is a paradox that leaders are in charge but not usually in control. Patterns do emerge from complexity and there are many more subtle and effective ways to influence an organisation than just telling everyone what to do and assuming they will do it.












“Richard has the knack of being non threatening and genuinely understanding , whilst also confronting senior staff with the painful realities and challenges that may have been avoided in the past.”
John, Chief Executive, Large Charity
“Richard is one of the brightest executives and leaders I’ve had the pleasure to work with. He has a keen commercial brain and is second to none in getting to the heart of the matter. His numeric skills are legendary but most important of all he has an unswerving personal and professional integrity that make him a great coach and someone that people want to work for and with”
Rob, Trading Director,
Tesco Stores, PLC